Virtual Student-Athlete Mental Health Summit

The Kevin Love Fund is hosting a free, virtual Student-Athlete Mental Health Summit on June 29 at 9 AM PST. This inaugural summit will bring together professional athletes and student-athletes from the middle school, high school, and collegiate levels. The goal of this event is to normalize the conversation around mental health in sports and to invite athletes to share their personal experiences.
Kevin Love, Victoria Garrick, and Solomon Thomas are several of the professional athletes and former collegiate athletes on the panel. After the panel discussion, students will have the opportunity to experience a new lesson from the Kevin Love Fund curriculum that provides cutting edge research on identity, well-being, and mental health. 

To sign up for the event and receive an email with the Zoom link – click here.

No matter what our circumstances, we’re all carrying around things that hurt — and they can hurt us if we keep them buried inside. So if you’re reading this and you’re having a hard time, no matter how big or small it seems to you, I want to remind you that you’re not weird or different for sharing what you’re going through.

Just the opposite. It could be the most important thing you do. It was for me.


 – Kevin Love