Grounding Activities for After the Lessons:

You may feel that your students would benefit from a closure activity to assist them in feeling grounded so that they can return to the rest of their school day. Below are several activities you can implement for this type of closure experience: 

Box Breathing

Lead students in a breathing exercise that will help them feel more grounded in their bodies and come back to the present moment.  

Read the script below to guide them through this activity: 

“First, let’s all take a deep breath in for four seconds, and I’ll count as we inhale…one, two, three, four.

Next, hold your breath in for the count of four…one, two, three, four. 

Now let’s slowly exhale for the count of four…one, two, three, four.

And now hold if you can while you’ve exhaled for the count of four…one, two, three, four.”


Have students repeat this ‘box’ three or four more times until the group feels more grounded and centered. 

The Five Senses Technique

This activity uses our five senses to bring students back to the present moment. 

  • Notice FIVE things you SEE around you (for example, a tree, a chalkboard, a book, your shoes, a window).
  • Notice FOUR things you can TOUCH and notice the how it feels (for example, a smooth desk, a crumpled backpack, soft clothing, a cold water bottle).
  • Notice THREE things you HEAR around you (for example, birds chirping outside, the air conditioner humming, students talking in the hallway).
  • Notice TWO things you can SMELL for example, (a freshly sharpened pencil, coffee).
  • Notice ONE thing you could TASTE (for example, peppermint gum).

Free Draw

Invite students to draw for a few minutes while you play relaxing music. If they’d like, students can hand in their drawing as they leave the classroom. 

Safe / Peaceful Place

Guide students in a breathing activity that will help them feel calm. If you would like, you could play peaceful music as you read the script below.

Start by settling comfortably in your seats, closing your eyes, and taking a moment to focus on your breathing. Notice any tension in your body and gently release it with each breath, allowing yourself to relax more deeply.

Now, imagine a place where you feel completely safe, calm, and at peace. It could be your favorite spot, a place you’ve always wanted to visit, or simply a peaceful setting that feels right for you. 

With your eyes still closed, picture yourself in this peaceful place. What do you notice? Engage all of your senses as you continue to close your eyes and visualize this space:

What do you see? Do you see any colors around you? Are you in nature? Continue to visualize this peaceful space.

What can you feel? Is there something beneath your feet? Can you touch anything nearby? What does it feel like?

What do you hear?  Are the sounds close by or far away?  Are you at a beach or in the woods or somewhere cozy indoors?

Continue to breathe in and out, fully immersing yourself in your safe and peaceful place. You might even want to give this place a name. Remember, you can always close your eyes and return to this “peaceful place” whenever you want to feel centered. Now take one nice long deep breath in and then out, and let’s open our eyes.”

Body Scan

Tightening and relaxing muscles can allow students to feel grounded and return to a peaceful state. Guide students through a short body scan as you read the script below. 

“Take a deep breath in for a count of four – one, two, three, four –  and bring yourself into the present moment. Now, bring your attention to your feet, and tighten all of the muscles in your feet and toes,  squeezing them all together, and holding this for three seconds – one, two, three. Now relax all of the muscles in your feet as you take a deep breath in and let it out. 

Now bring your attention to your legs. As you breathe in, tighten the muscles in your legs for three seconds holding one, two, three. Now release your breath, relaxing all of the muscles in your legs as you exhale. 

Now bring your attention to your hands and arms. Tighten the muscles in your hands and arms while you breathe in for one, two, three. Then release the muscles as you exhale. Shake your arms and legs out a little bit….and notice how you feel now. Does your body feel lighter or different? Did the thoughts in your mind clear a little bit while you were focusing on the muscles in your body?”